Glad you could join us here!!
Below you will see our backyard rinks with labeled components to help you identify the parts of a basement rink or an outdoor rink. The same names are also identified on a professional rink.
Here are the links to assist you in finding the outdoor rink and basement rink colored puckboard accessories and components.
Sill Bands, Kickplates & Top Edge Protect
Puckboard sheets for walls and boards
easily shipped smaller dasher panels for walls and boards
Rec Room and Basement Rinks
Below are a few images sent our way after we have partnered with these very proud basement rink owners and builders. Helmets off to some fine work! You have our admiration.
Outdoor Rinks Component List

Parts List for Ultimate Rink Model 2016 (no longer in production)
Parts List for 25 Anniversary Edition (no longer in production)
Real comments from real people
Well done and thank you for your Kickplate and basement rink products. Appreciate the service!!! First Rate.
Scott, Chicago 2019
That office waiting room you supplied the Kickplates, Sill Bands and white Dasher rink board panels has been a huge success. We loved you had matching screw colors as well. Comments keep pouring in!!! I hope you show the waiting room image right above our testimonial.
Norman Mechanical Ohio 2018
Super impressed with the vibrant colors and the quality of your work from the cuts to the drilling and countersinking.
Such greatness! Looking forward to setting this all up for my Grandson.