This Winter Create...
Your Ultimate Backyard or Basement Rink! 3 reasons why...

1. Our systems for your unlevel site. Everyone has one!
2. Your children and friends practice on it! Your budding young Conner?
3. They learn fair play, sportsmanship, skills development, life lessons and team work!

Real Rinks - 6 color accessory options
Real Families - YOURS
Well-thought-out rink building materials since 1992. 
The PROOF! Over 100,000 sold
in over 33 years of serving you with the BEST! 
 We have the WHITEST WHITE Liners
(at 80%) in the industry!
What does this mean?                          Click here to find out why!

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Hi I am Brian,
The founder and rink Guru since 1992.

I am available to take your ice rink calls/texts at 519-276-7526 if you have a dilemma or question between 11 am and 2 pm EST daily, conditional apon my free time to do so. 
Please note: NO orders will be taken on the personal cell phone.
The office rink line is 800-448-6648.

No matter what rink design OR who's product you build or assemble, checking your site level will determine your direction. This is the #1 "to do" as a preparation task and is paramount for your success! Not knowing, is like buying a car without knowing if it has a motor!!! SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS BY KNOWING THIS REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOUR EYES TELL YOU. Flat and level are totally different things.
"Videos Link"