24″ Ice Rink Squee Gee


Ice Rink Squee Gee

The 24″ Ice Rink Squee Gee just attaches to your broom handle. It just fits in a box with the balance of your order. Use it to remove the water from your ice surface during mild spells and rain.  It enables you to remove water when temps go up and rain comes down.  Where does the water go you ask? You will squee gee it towards your Puck Go Round Grates (See picture in gallery).

Note: If using our PuckGoRound Grates it is advised to drill 2 drain holes at each corner of your frame at ice level so the excess water can drain out.

Start by using a steel edge tool (example a shovel with a steel blade) to clear your surface of any unwanted imperfections. Now you can flood your way around your ice surface from troubled spot to troubled spot swishing away your excess water to the PuckGoRound Grate using the Squee Gee.  Remember that even if your surface is not perfect after your squee gee and a freeze then a light flood with water from your Ultimate Flooder will have you back in game shape.

Be the Ultimate Rink Master! …..and you do it right here!  The title of rink master doesn’t come easy. With at least a quarter of a century of experience the guru at Ultimate once again is leading the way with innovation and quality products. Ulti mate your Grate PuckGoRounds and our 24″ Squee Gee for the Ultimate Combo.


JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW that your rink was used 24/7. It became the place to be. Barbara Harding, Maine

YOU GUYS come highly recommended for guys that know how to build and maintain a backyard rink!!!
Patrick. Williamsville N.Y.